On this page I link to papers that I have published relating to Open Educational Resources and other topics related to general education. A separate list of my research on religious education is also available.
John Hilton III, Lane Fischer, David Wiley, and Linda Williams, “Maintaining Momentum Toward Graduation: OER and the Course Throughput Rate,” International Review of Research on Distance and Open Learning, 17(6): 1-10 (2016).
John Hilton III. “Open educational resources and college textbook choices: a review of research on efficacy and perceptions.” Educational Technology Research and Development, 64(4) pp. 573-590.
David Wiley, Linda Williams, Daniel DeMarte, and John Hilton III. “The Tidewater Z-Degree and the INTRO Model for Sustaining OER Adoption.” Education Policy Analysis Archives, 24(41), pp.1-12 (2016).
Lane Fischer, John Hilton III, T. Jared Robinson, and David A. Wiley. “A multi-institutional study of the impact of open textbook adoption on the learning outcomes of post-secondary students.” Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 27(3), pp. 159-172 (2015).
T.J. Robinson, Lane Fischer, David Wiley & John Hilton III. “The Impact of Open Textbooks on Secondary Science Learning Outcomes.” Educational Researcher, 43(7): 341-351 (2014).
John Hilton III, Lindsay Murphy & Devon Ritter. “From Open Educational Resources to College Credit: The Approaches of Saylor Academy.” Open Praxis, 6(4): 365-374. (2014).
John Hilton III, T. Jared Robinson, David Wiley, and J. Dale Ackerman. Cost-Savings Achieved in Two Semesters Through the Adoption of Open Educational Resources. International Review of Research on Open and Distance Learning, 15 (2).
John Hilton III. “A Chinese Tongue Twister.” College Teaching, 62 (1): 3-4. (2014).
Tyler Griffin, John Hilton III, Ken Plummer, and Devynne Barret. “Correlation between grade point averages and student evaluation of teaching scores: taking a closer look.” Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 39 (3): 339-348. (2014).
John Hilton III, Donna Gaudet, Phil Clark, Jared Robinson, David Wiley. The adoption of open educational resources by one community college math department. International Review of Research on Open and Distance Learning, 14 (4).
TJ Bliss, T. Jared Robinson, John Hilton III and David Wiley. “An OER COUP: College Teacher and Student Perceptions of Open Educational Resources.” Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 12 (1), 1-25.
TJ Bliss, John Hilton III, David Wiley and Kim Thanos. “The Cost and Quality of Open Textbooks: Perceptions of Community College Faculty and Students.” First Monday, 18 (1).
Andrew Feldstein, Mirta Martin, Amy Hudson, Kiara Warren, John Hilton III, and David Wiley. “Open Textbooks and Increased Student Access and Outcomes.” European Journal of Open, Distance, and E-Learning, 15 (2). (2012).
John Hilton and Carol Laman. “One college’s use of an open psychology textbook.” Open Learning. 27(3), pp. 265-272. (2012). (Taylor & Francis Version, Open Repository Preprint).
John Hilton and Kenneth Plummer. “To Facebook, or Not to Facebook? A Study of One Educational Institution’s Decision to Use Facebook.”Digital Culture and Education. 4 (2), pp. 201-217. (2012).
David Wiley, John Hilton, Shelley Ellington, and Tiffany Hall. “A preliminary examination of the cost savings and learning impacts of using open textbooks in middle and high school science classes.”International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning. 13 (3), pp. 261-276. (2012).
John Hilton, Neil Lutz, and David Wiley. “Examining the Reuse of Open Textbooks.” International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning. 13 (2), 45-58 (2012).
John Hilton and David Wiley. “Free E-Books and Print Sales.” The Journal of Electronic Publishing, 14 (1). (2011).
John Hilton and David Wiley. “Open access textbooks and financial sustainability: A case study on Flat World Knowledge.” International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning. 12 (5). (2011)
John Hilton, Brad Wilcox, Tim Morrison, and David Wiley. “Effects of various methods of assigning and evaluating required reading in one general education course.” Journal of College Reading and Learning,41 (1), 7-28 (2010).
John Hilton and David Wiley. A sustainable future for open textbooks? The Flat World Knowledge story. First Monday. 15(8). (2010).
John Hilton, Charles Graham, Peter Rich, and David Wiley. “Using online technologies to extend a classroom to learners at a distance.”Distance Education. 31 (1): 77-92. (2010). (Taylor & Francis Version,Open Repository Version).
John Hilton and David Wiley. “Free: Why authors are giving books away on the Internet.” Tech Trends. 54 (1): 43-48. (2010)
John Hilton and David Wiley. “The short-term influence of free digital versions of books on print sales.” The Journal of Electronic Publishing, 13 (1). (2010)
John Hilton, David Wiley, Jared Stein, and Aaron Johnson. “The four R’s of openness and ALMS Analysis: Frameworks for Open Educational Resources.” Open Learning: The Journal of Open and Distance Learning. 25 (1): 37-44. (2010). (Taylor & Francis Version, Open-Repository Version).
John Hilton and David Wiley. “The creation and use of Open Educational Resources in Christian higher education.” Christian Higher Education. 9 (1): 49-59. (2010). (Taylor & Francis Version, Open-Repository Version).
John Hilton. “From PDF to MP3: Motivations for creating derivative works.” First Monday. 14 (9). (2009).
David Wiley and John Hilton. “Openness, Dynamic Specialization, and the Disaggregated Future of Higher Education.” International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning. 10 (5). (2009)